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61/2013-Customs (N.T.) dt. 13-06-2013


Rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency with effect from June 14, 2013
To view the notification Click here


Opinion: GOVERNMENT has notified new exchange rates of Danish Kroner effective from 14.06.2013 for export and imported goods. In the past one week, the Central government has come out with the Fourth notification to revise the exchange rates of select currencies and the earlier notifications are 58/2013 -Cus &59/2013-Cus respectively.

S.NO. Foreign currency Rate of exchange of one units of foreign currency
equivalent to Indian Rupees
    Prior Amend
    (for imported Goods ) (For Export Goods) (for imported Goods ) (For Export Goods)
4 Danish Kroner 10.05 9.75 10.55 10.25