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07(RE-2009)/2009-14, Dated: 16/09/2009


Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 011.
Circular No. 7     /2009-2014                   Dated the 16th September, 2009
Sub: Constitution of an Inter-Ministerial Committee to redress/resolve problems/issues of exporters – Constitution reg.
1.             It has been decided to constitute an Inter-Ministerial Committee to redress/resolve problems/issues of exporters. The Committee will discuss such issues raised by exporters which affect the exporting community as a class. Normally, the Committee will not look into the individual grievance of any exporter, for which other mechanisms in terms of Grievance Committee in the Office of DGFT and Grievance Redressal Committee in Department of Commerce already exist. The Committee, based on consultation shall seek to identify the solution/resolution of the problem posed by exporting community. The decisions of this Committee would guide the concerned administrative Department to take a final view on the problems posed before the Committee. In essence, the role of the Committee shall be recommendatory in nature.
2.             The Committee shall be chaired by Secretary, Department of Commerce and will have representative from DGFT, Department of Revenue, Department of Economic Affairs, Reserve Bank of India, Directorate General of Export Promotion (CBEC) and in addition, any other administrative Ministry of Govt. of India may be co-opted for a particular meeting, in case issues concerning them are raised.
3.             Exporters/export organizations/trade organizations are advised to bring their issues/grievances of the nature listed in para 1 of this Circular to the notice of Directorate General of Foreign Trade for placing before this Committee.
4.             The Committee would normally meet once in every quarter.
5.             This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(O.P. Hisaria)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. 01/94/180/09-10/272/Meeting/CIM/AM10/PC-4)